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Housing / Shelter continued
River Commons ________________________________________941.629.0043
River Commons is an all-inclusive, resort style independent living community. We offer trans-
portation 6 days per week, 3 home cooked meals per day, full activity and social calendar and
light housekeeping once per week. We have a heated pool, fitness center and media center.
2305 Aaron Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952
South Port Square ______________________________________877.725.6789
Housing Placement Resource Specialists
A Place for Mom ________________________________________941.626.2119
Free service that provides senior living advisors, helping seniors make senior living choices.
We coordinate with family members and serve as an emotional support system as you con-
sider options. We schedule appointments and tours as needed and we partner with local
independent & assisted living, Alz/memory care, home care, group homes & senior apts.
Assisted Living Locators __________________________________941.479.3500
Information & Referral
Area Agency on Aging for SW Florida _________________________866.413.5337
AAA SWFL is the state designated Aging and
Disability Resource Center for Southwest Florida
Charlotte 2-1-1 / Human Services Department _______________________ 2-1-1
Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce ______________________941.627.2222
Elder Help Line ________________________________________866.413.5337
Family Health Centers of SW Florida ________________________866.355.2348
Florida Department of Elder Affairs _________________________850.414.2000
Logical Insurance Solutions USA, Inc. ________________________239.689.1431
Logical Insurance Solutions USA, Inc specializes in the Senior Market and those on
Medicare due to disability. Products include but not limited to Medicare Supplement,
Medicare Advantage Plans, Part D, Long Term Care, LifeInsurance, Annuities, etc. Why us?
Because we are knowledgeable, ethical, local there is no charge to you for your service.
The Insurance Guy – Dave Maziale __________________________941.249.4433
Medicare Insurance
Great plans - great prices - no cost consultation
Call Dave Marziale, The Insurance Guy _____________________