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Transportation continued
AllyRides LLC _____________________________________941.242.RIDE (7433)
• Wheelchair / Stretcher Transportation
• Doctors, Outpatient, Home
• Dinner, Family Visits, Airport
• Long Distance Drives
AMBITRANS ___________________________________________800.881.1009
Celebrating 35 years of family-owned and operated ambulance & wheelchair van
transportation services. Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurances can be billed
for medically necessary ambulance transports. Available 24/7/365 Serving Sarasota,
Charlotte, Lee, Manatee and Collier counties. ____________________
Charlotte County Transit Services ___________________________941.575.4000
Dial-A-Ride ___________________________________________941.575.4000
Provides curb to curb public transportation services to all residents and visitors of Charlotte
County for a small fee. Works on advanced reservation basis.