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     Center for Abuse & Rape Emergencies  _______________________941.639.5499
     We help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assult and other violent crimes in Charlotte
     County, FL. Our goal is to create safety in our community by promoting healthy relationships
     through education, support groups, community outreach and 24/7 hotline advocacy.
     Facebook @carecharlottecounty ________________________24/hr HOTLINE 941.627.6000

     Department of Children & Families, Charlotte County_____________866.762.2237
     14806 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287  _________________
     Florida Abuse Hotline ____________________________________800.962.2873
     Adult Day Care

     Chelsea Place Adult Day Care  ______________________________941.676.3411
     We provide an array of daytime activities for seniors in a fun social environment. This includes
     live music, bingo, crafts, meals, hair & nail services, transportation, group exercises and much
     more while giving families the peace of mind they deserve.
     3626 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL
     Hope Family Adult Day Care _______________________________941.505.6920

     Hope PACE _____________________________________ 239.985.6400
     3280 Tamiami Tr. #45-47, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 _________________

     Aging & Disability Resources
     AARP Charlotte County Advocates ___________________________941.624.0105
     Represent older persons and bring senior issues to the attention of county commissioners,
     state legislators, Congress and othergovernmental decision makers, such as public
     service commissioners.
     Area Agency on Aging for SW Florida _________________________866.413.5337
     We are a nonprofit helping adults age 60+ and adults with disabilities in Charlotte,
     Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee and Sarasota counties. Our programs include the
     elder helpline, wellness classes, SHINE Medicare counseling, elder abuse prevention, and
     access to government-funded elder care services. __________________

     Charlotte Community Foundation  ____________________ 941.637.0077
     227 Sullivan Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 _____________________

     Charlotte County Human Services_________________________ __941.833.6500
     1050 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980
     Fax: 941.833.6565
     Elder Help Line   ________________________________________866.413.5337

     Florida Department of Elder Affairs   _________________________850.414.2000

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