Page 5 - Wealth Building for Women
P. 5

Chapter 3

             We know that we lead very different lives than your mothers did, but you may be

             surprised at just how different.  Here are six reasons why women need to get into

             this game called wealth-building.

             1. The Statistics – The statistics about women and money are startling.  The following

             are U.S. statistics, yet for other countries throughout the world, the statistics are

             very similar or are trending in the same direction:    47 percent of women over the

             age of 50 are single; in other words, they are financially responsible for themselves;

             Women’s retirement income is less than that of men because as the primary

             caretaker for the home, a woman is away from the work force an average of 14.7

             years, as compared to 1.6 years for men.  Add this fact to the lower salaries women

             still receive, and you have retirement benefits that are only about ¼  those of men.

             (National Center for Women and Retirement Research-NCWRR); Women are

             expected to live an average of seven to ten years longer than men, which means

             they must provide for those extra years.  However, married women who are baby

             boomers can expect to outlive their husbands by 15 to 20 years, on average; Of the

             elderly living in poverty, 3 out of 4 are women; Approximately 7 out of 10 women will

             at some time live in poverty.  What do these statistics tell us?  That more and more

             women are not educated or prepared to take care of themselves financially,

             especially as they grow older.  You have spent your entire lives taking care of your

             families, but have no ability to care for yourself in this vital way.

             2. Avoiding Dependency – You don’t get into a marriage expecting a divorce.  You

                                                            don’t begin a new job expecting to be laid off.  But it

                                                            happens, and today with more and more frequency.

                                                            Ladies, if you are depending on a husband, a boss, or

                                                            anyone else for your financial future, think twice.  They

                                                            simply may not be there.  Too often, we may not even

             realize just how dependent we are until we’re faced with our own personal wake-up

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