Page 17 - Feb 2020 Shave of the Day Monthly Magazine
P. 17
“T h e sh av e c o m m u n ity h a s
re sp o n d e d lik e fa m ily. ”
A few days after, orders started coming in Ben from Mammoth Soaps jumped into ac-
for the remaining inventory. I remember tion and organized a GoFundMe, and then
very well the first ten or so customers I other artisans and retailers began donating
had, and you know who you are as well. items to drive donations to the GoFundMe.
As time went on, Wild West Brushworks My family and I have been so inspired by
grew into something far beyond what the outpouring of support from the commu-
I had ever imagined. I stopped work- nity. It has gone far beyond what we could
ing only in vendor sourced material and have imagined, and made me realize just
moved to pouring my own resin blanks. how wonderful and like a family this com-
With that, the intrigue only grew, and now munity is. While I have tried to respond to
seeing the patterns develop during turning everyone who has messaged me, I know that
was even more addicting! While I still I have surely missed some. Please know that
consider this a hobby, I do hope to make it we have read your messages, whether they
my full time job (Looking at you in envy, have been on instagram, facebook, or in the
Rob!) once I can retire from my day job. Mammoth Soaps thread, but the scope of
replying to everyone is too large right now,
and that’s a wonderful thing if you think
On December 20, 2019, as many of you about it. Most importantly, we are all safe,
know, my family and I were displaced uninjured, healthy, and with family while we
by a fire in our home. The fire destroyed work out what’s next. I’ll be back to making
the garage, our two vehicles, and the brushes as soon as I can, and when I do I
front half of our home, which was where will surely be giving back in whatever way I
my two children’s rooms were located. can.
The remainder of the home is covered in
soot, ash, sheet-rock, cellulose insulation,
and was doused with water during the
firefighting efforts. As a result, we were Dereck Wheeler
informed the home is a total loss. While in
shock and still watching my home smol-
der, I shut down shop and hastily posted
a message about what was happening.
Immediately the wetshaving community
rallied around me. I had messages of con-
cern and support flooding my inbox.
Right: Hand made shave
brush from Wild West