Page 73 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 73
Moo se Creek
Boulde r Broo k
India n Pass Broo k
Pres ton Pon ds
C ol d R i ver
Lake Colde n
Latham Pon d
Calamity Pond
Flow ed Lands
C a lami ty B r ook
C al amity Brook
Cal ahan Bro ok
M o ose Cre ek
Hen ders on
Mt Adams
Pi n e Br o ok
S anto non i B r o ok
Hud s on Riv er
U pp er Tw in B rook
Lake Jim m y
L o w er Tw i n B rook
Opal e sce n t Ri ver
E rm in e Broo k
Harkn ess Lake
Lake Sally
Moose Pon d
Sk y lig h t Brook
S o u t h Branc h O p a le sc ent River
De er Pon d Sh aw Pon d
S an t a noni Broo k
Chen ey
Lake Andr ew
Wol f Po n d Outl e t
Sucke r Br o ok
Catlin Beaver Bro ok
War d Pond D u dley B r ook
Wolf Pon d San ford
Beaver P on d
Beaver B rook Sl i d e Bro ok
Ne wcomb L ake
25 H u d s on River Perch B ro ok
Adjidau mo Flow
Arbu tu s P ond
Beaver Flow Tahawus Rd
Arbutus Ln Military Lake
s h ing B ro ok New com b River
Ric h Lake
B e av er B r ook Perch Pon d
Rich Lake Ln
28N Harr is Lake
Flat Br ook Lodo Pond
Trou t Pond
Campsite Rd
Goodnow Mountain Griffin Rd
Woodru ff Pond Hud so n Riv e r
Goodnow Flow Rd Chaisson Rd Marcy Ln Santanoni Dr
Goodnow Pond Perch Pond Ln
Sanford Ln
Hudson River Blue Ridge Rd 2
Zack Pond H ysl op B rook
Woodys Rd
No rth B r a nch W olf Creek
Goodn ow Flowage Goodnow Flow Rd
Otter Pond Hyslop Brook
Hudson River
G oo dnow Riv er
W ol f Cree k
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2
Sixth Lake
Fif th Lake
Seven th Lake W olf Cree k
Jackson Pon d
Chen ey Pond
Hud son Rive r Not visible from a viewpoint
Visible from a single viewpoint
Visible from more than one viewpoint
B eav er Br o ok
Mud Pond Visible from many viewpoints
Cle ar Pon d
Forest Preserve
Corn er Pon d
Surface Waters
Streams & Rivers
Newcomb Comprehensive Plan PWC
Dutchess County Office: Capital District Office: North Country Office: New London:
21 Fox Street 547 River Street 100 Glen Street 914 Hartford Turnpike Viewshed Analysis Scale:
Poughkeepsie, NY. 12601 Troy, NY. 12180 Glens Falls, NY. 12801 Waterford, CT. 06385 1:44,000
Phone: (845) 454-3980 Phone: (518) 273-0055 Phone: (518) 812-0513 Phone: (860) 440-2690
Engineers/Surveyors Project: 90901.00
Environmental Scientists This map is a product of The Chazen Companies. It should be used for reference purposes only. Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. Town of Newcomb Figure:
Landscape Architects The Chazen Companies expressly disclaims any responsibilities or liabilities from the use of this map for any purpose other than its intended use. Essex County, New York 17