Page 98 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 98
Town of Newcomb Community Survey
Seasonal Residents Responses
159 Total Responses
1. How important are each of the following factors in your decision to live or own property in the Town
of Newcomb? (Please rate each factor by checking the appropriate box).
Very Important Somewhat Not Too Not At All
Important Important Important
a. Born or raised in 16/10.4% 5/3.3% 16/10.4% 117/76%
b. Good schools 11/8.6% 48/37.5% 22/17.2% 47/36.7%
c. Good Town 81/51.3% 60/38% 9/5.7% 8/6.3%
d. Reasonable 137/86.2% 19/11.9% 2/1.3% 1/0.6%
e. Affordable 66/42.6% 37/23.9% 28/18.1% 24/15.5%
f. Housing 37/24.8% 50/33.6% 35/23.5% 27/18.1%
g. Safe community 122/77.2% 29/18.4% 4/2.5% 3/1.9%
h. Proximity to job 10/6.7% 10/6.7% 29/19.5% 100/67.1%
i. Proximity to 26/17.6% 33/22.3% 27/18.2% 62/21.6%
friends and family
j. Peace and quiet 142/90.5% 13/8.3% 1/0.6% 1/0.6%
k. Recreation 110/79.1% 23/16.6% 4/2.9% 2/1.4%
l. Natural beauty 147/92.5% 11/6.9% 0/0% 1/0.6%
2. On the whole, how would you rate the overall quality of life in Newcomb?
Excellent 58/36.7%
Good 89/56.3%
Fair 3/5.1%
Poor 3/1.6%
3. On the whole, how is the overall quality of life in Newcomb changing?
It is improving 9/6.1%
It is staying about the same 78/53.1%
It is declining 35/23.8%
No opinion 25/17%
3a. Please add reasons for your response to question 3.
Positive Comments
The school has improved/is essential to the quality of life/is the social center of the Town/is great (4)
The golf course is good (4)
Town services are good/great (2)
I like the Town staying the same (2)
The VIC is good (2)
More people are moving to the Town (2)
The TNC purchase of the Finch property is good for the Town (2)
Great Town leadership