Page 11 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - September October 2022
P. 11

Catholicism began in Newcomb when the first family Dennis
         Moynehan Jr. moved to town. Shortly after in May of 1889 John
       Anderson Jr, and his family moved here. Anderson started lumber-
         ing on a large scale, therefore many Catholic families moved to
        town to work in the lumber industry. In the summer of 1889, Fa-
         ther LeGrand of Olmstedville traveled to a hotel owned by John
        Anderson to hold mass. This occurred every four to five weeks de-
         pending on if the road was passable. In 1895 John Anderson Jr.,
         purchased one fourth of an acre of land and the building of the
       church began. He transferred the deed to the property to Reverend
         T. J. O’Brien in 1900. The Newcomb parish was transferred from
       Olmstedville to Long Lake in 1902. On December 1  1963 St. John’s
        Parish consolidated with St. Therese Church. The Church has now
                         become a residential residence.
       Thank you so much to the Newcomb Historical Society! If you have-
        n’t visited to see the latest exhibit, it’s a must! For our November/
       December Newsletter I would like to focus on the past holiday sea-
        sons in Newcomb. I would love to include local stories and photos
       so please email me at with "Holidays in
                    Newcomb" as the subject line. Thank you!

                                                              Niki Garrido
                                                           Town Historian

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