Page 8 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - May/June 2021
P. 8

Health Center News

         Thank You!!!

         To all those who donated, cooked, served or attended the fund-
         raiser for our Medical Mission to the Dominican Republic.
         Every year for the past 23 years, a group of about 25 dedicated

         Health Care Providers, Nurses and Volunteers travel to the DR
         to care for very needy people in this small village (of about
         7,000) called Gauthier.  For most people there, it is the only
         health care they receive each year.  Some people are able to

         see a doctor there for free, but have no money to buy their

         Our group provides care and enough blood pressure and diabe-
         tes medicine for over a thousand people each year.

         Unfortunately, due to COVID 19, we were not able to travel
         there this year.  Concerned that their medicine would run out
         and people had no means to buy more, we went to work organ-
         izing Dominican Doctors, townspeople, and the Episcopal Dio-
         cese we work through.

         Through multiple Zoom meetings and your generous donations,

         we were able to hire 5 Dominican Doctors to do home visits last
         week on our most needy people there.  The money raised will
         pay for the Doctors to see them every 3 months and cover their
         pay, PPE and the medicines they need until we can go back next

         Thank you all so much and may God Bless You!

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