Page 4 - Temple_Parking_Services_Booklet-Draft
P. 4


        OVERNIGHT PARKING:                      COMMUTER PARKING:

        Parkers who need 24/7 access to either a lot or   Commuting students can park between
        garage will need an “Overnight Parking   the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:45 PM, Monday
        Permit.”  The rate for students is $105.00 per   through Friday. Commuter Parking permits
        month, or $400.00 for an entire semester.   are available at the rate of $65.00 per month,
        (Semester permit prices vary depending on   or $240.00 for an entire semester. (Permit prices   In compliance with the Americans
        the date of purchase)                   vary depending on the date of purchase)             with Disabilities Act, Temple University
                                                                                                    has designated van-accessible and regular
        Overnight Parking is available at the   Commuter Parking is available at the
        following locations:                    following locations:                                handicapped parking spaces in all parking
        Bell Garage, Liacouras Garage, Temple Towers   Diamond Street Lot, Norris Street Lot, 15th Street   areas. A valid State Handicap placard or ID card
        Lot, and Tyler Lot.                     Lot, Liacouras Garage, Montgomery Garage,           must be provided to register for ADA parking.
                                                Bell Garage and Temple Towers Lot.
                                                                                                    Registered ADA parkers can use their
                                                                                                    parking at the following locations:
        FLEX P ARKI NG P ERMIT  (FORMALLY KNOWN AS PART-TIME PARKING):                              Diamond St. Lot, Norris St. Lot, 15th St. Lot, Liacouras

                                                                                                    Garage, Montgomery Garage, Bell Garage and Temple Towers Lot.
        This permit is available to both students and employees; this has a per-entry rate of $10.00. Flex parkers
        can utilize their parking between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:45 PM, every day of the week.  Flex
        Parking Permits are complimentary but funds must be added to your account before you can enter
        your designated facility.  By visiting “” you can access the TU Parking Account,   A “Carpool” agreement is available for Monthly and Semester permits. This
        login page. With your TU Accessnet Username and Password, you will be able to sign-in and add   will allow you to share your vehicle with additional person(s) at no
          funds to your account instantly. Please visit our YouTube channel “Temple Parking Services”   additional cost. Only one car can be in the facility at a time. If an
              to watch our step-by-step tutorials on how to add funds to your account.              employee and a student would like to sign-up for a carpool
                                                                                                    agreement, the price for the permit will be the employee
                   If you are an employee you may be eligible to sign up for automatic, after tax payroll
                                                                                                    rate of $120 per month.
                       deductions. You can select how much you would like to have deducted from
                            your payroll and you can stop your payroll deductions at any time.      Carpool parking is available for the
                                                                                                    following locations:
                                 Flex Parking is available at the following locations:              Temple Towers Lot, Tyler Lot, Montgomery
                                     Bell Garage, Liacouras Garage, Temple Towers Lot, and Tyler Lot.  Garage, and Bell Garage.

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