Page 11 - 2020 Annual Report Flip
P. 11

Foundation Spotlight

                                      Jack  &  Jill  Children's  Center  is  fortunate  to  have  the  support  from  many  amazing
                                      community partners. We would like to acknowledge one long-standing partner, the
                                      Hudson  Family  Foundation.  Established  in  1998,  the  Foundation  primarily  supports
                                      causes  related  to  the  arts,  education,  healthcare,  and  children  and  youth  services.
                                      This past year, the Foundation supported Jack & Jill’s Capital Campaign with a gift of
                                      $250,000 as well as a generous 5-year grant to support our Baby Steps for Success
                                      Jack & Jill provides high-quality early childhood education to children ages 6-weeks to
                                      5-years, focusing on enabling children to grow emotionally, physically, and socially in
                                      a  safe,  caring  environment  using  age-appropriate  methods  for  cognitive
                                      development.  Through  the  Baby  Steps  for  Success  Program,  the  Hudson  Family
                                      Foundation  follows  a  newborn  class  and  tracks  their  growth  and  progress  through
                                      their  graduation  from  Jack  &  Jill,  when  most  children  are  five-years-old.  Ages  zero
                                      through  five  are  some  of  the  most  pivotal  and  malleable  years  of  a  child’s
                                      development, as 90% of a human brain is developed during those years. We strive to
                                      provide all children with a strong educational foundation that will set them up for a
                                      life  of  success.  This  year,  Jack  &  Jill  was  able  to  introduce  Conscious  Discipline,  an
                                      evidence-based approach that provides behavior management strategies for teachers
                                      and parents. School-wide routines based around consistent and clear expectations of
                                      behavior  will  create  a  safe,  connected,  and  problem-solving  environment  for  our
                                      students. Continued support for our Early Childhood Program allows us to introduce
                                      new,  proven  methodologies  to  our  existing  curriculum,  which  in  turn  benefit  our
                                      students, families, and teachers.
                                      Not only is the Hudson Family Foundation a long-standing supporter of Jack & Jill’s
                                      Early Childhood Program, but we are also grateful to the Foundation for their stake in
                                      our future growth. Our Capital Campaign has raised almost $8M to fund the design
                                      and construction of The Madelaine Halmos Academy. The new state-of-the-art school
                                      will  feature  12  classrooms,  an  art  and  science  lab,  music  and  media  rooms,  an
                                      outdoor classroom, and a wellness room. The new school will become a home away
                                      from home for our families, and our elementary school children will have a building
                                      to call their own—in which they will grow, learn, and flourish. We are forever grateful
                                      to the Hudson Family Foundation’s partnership in providing our community with this
                                      essential resource. Because of the Foundation’s compassion, our work will continue
                                      to make a lasting impression on our children and families.

                                      It  is  because  of  supporters  like  the  Hudson  Family  Foundation  that  Jack  &  Jill  can
                                      continue  to  build  a  strong  educational  foundation  for  our  children’s  future  so  they
                                      become  productive  members  of  our  community  for  years  to  come.  Steve  Hudson,
                                      Vice President of the Foundation states, “The Hudson Family Foundation is proud of
                                      our  long-standing  involvement  with  Jack  &  Jill;  and  the  Baby  Steps  for  Success
                                      Program is yet another example of the innovative programs offered at Jack & Jill.” We
                                      wish to express our sincere thanks to the Hudson Family Foundation for their support
                                      and commitment.
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