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    Innovative assistive devices
In each edition of allcare Connect we will endeavour to feature innovative mobility and assistive devices, to showcase how technology is reshaping what these devices look like and how they are used.
In this edition of allcare Connect we are featuring the mCareWatch and the Gyenno Spoon. Both of these products are pieces of innovative technology, which are very uniquely designed.
mCareWatch HW2
The mCareWatch HW2 is a smart watch, emergency alarm, location tracker and mobile phone in one.
By purchasing the mCareWatch, you are not only getting Australia’s first 4G SIM-enabled personal emergency smart watch, but also the peace of mind knowing that you or your loved one is wearing a watch that can connect them with anyone at any time and call for help when required.
The mCareWatch is connected to a software platform called ConnectiveCARE, which is 100% owned, managed and maintained by the team at mCare.
The mCareWatch HW2 is available for purchase from, and is priced at $499.
Gyenno Spoon
The Gyenno Spoon is designed for people whose hand tremor interferes with using cutlery whilst eating.
The system includes a battery operated handle and interchangeable fork attachment. It is a 360-degree stabilisation solution, offsetting 85% unwanted tremor from the intended movement of your hand.
It automatically distinguishes between intentional hand motion and unconscious tremor.
The Gyenno Spoon is available online at and is priced at $269.
      allcare Connect newsletter Winter 2020 15

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