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What is the difference between CHSP and HCP?
If you are confused about the difference between the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and the Home Care Package (HCP) Program, we don’t blame you!
Commonwealth Home Support Program
Funded by the Australian Government, the CHSP is a program for older people who are mostly – but not completely – able to live and cope on their own. The CHSP is interim funding for low needs care services. CHSP is considered an ‘entry-level’ program as it provides low intensity (small amounts), or a single service or a few services to a large number of older people who need only a few hours of help each week.
With a CHSP you:
• Choose from an assigned list of services – there isn’t much flexibility
• Only contribute for the services you use
• Can opt in and out of the program as you need assistance
• Have your eligibility assessed by the Regional Assessment Service
Home Care Packages
The HCP program provides the second tier of support in the aged care system. The idea of the program is to provide a coordinated and tailored service to help older people with more complex care needs to continue living independently and happily at home.
There are four levels of Home Care Packages, with each level providing a different subsidy amount dependent on individual care needs.
The Home Care Package holder will have to choose a provider to host their package, who will develop an Individual Care Plan and budget that will be used to deliver the care and services the individual chooses.
24 allcare Connect newsletter Winter 2020
With a HCP:
• Youchoosehowtospendyourfunding rather than choosing from a list
• Your Client Engagement Manager helps you understand the system and work out a Care Plan that suits your individual needs and preferences
• Once you have a package, it stays in place for the long-term
• Your eligibility is assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)
Interaction between a HCP and a CHSP
When you are assigned a Home Care Package and you choose a Provider to host the package, your CHSP services will cease, and the services you require will instead be paid out of your HCP funds.
In general, the CHSP services you receive should not be provided when you accept your Home Care Package. This is to ensure that those who are not receiving services from a HCP have the maximum CHSP services available to them.
If you are confused or have additional questions about the programs, then feel free to contact allcare on 1300 377 074. One of our friendly team members will be happy to discuss with you further.

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