Page 2 - Madinati 21 2018
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                                            After being accredited by UNICEF

                                  KFMC Women Specialized
                                   Hospital is " Baby friendly"

KFMC Women Specialized Hospital is                breastfeeding eld provided by a team from the         services which is sought by us to render health
accredited by the UNICEF as a " Baby-friendly     Ministry of Health as well as two-hour-courses        services to patients. He indicated that the
Hospital" after ful lling ten steps speci ed      for physicians in the same eld. He explained          program is governed by WHO and UNICEF
by WHO and UNICEF to encourage and                that this accreditation encourages the medical        policies and terms under the supervision of the
protect breastfeeding by implementing the         sta to provide healthcare with highest criteria       Ministry of Heath represented by Nutrition
best healthcare practices.                        to the mother and baby.                               General Department. Al-Yamany explained
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Yamany, CEO of KFMC,               Department, Ministry of Health; Bandari Abu           that the program is preceded by phases and
received the accreditation certi cate from        Nayan, Breastfeeding Program General                  steps that must be implemented and reviewed.
Dr. Ahmed Al Jedai, Assistant Deputy Health       Supervisor, Ministry of Health; Dr. Fahad S. Al       Based on the initial assessment by the
Minister for Supportive Medical Services in       Ghofaili, Executive Director of Medical A airs;       concerned committees, a conception about
the presence of Mishari Al-Dakhil,                and Dr. Bahauddin Sallout, Medical Director of        implementing these steps will be developed
Supervisor-General of the Nutrition General       Women's Specialized Hospital.                         and followed by the nal assessment before
Al-Yamany added that we have worked on            Al-Yamany asserted that the given accreditation       delivering the certi cate.
developing and scienti cally qualifying the       emphasizes the international criteria
health cadre as there are -40hour- training       implementation to the specialized healthcare
courses specially developed for nurses in

"KFMC" Develops 2800 Male and Female Nurses through 80 Annual Courses

KFMC CEO, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Yamany, stated that      "KFMC organized intensive educational programs to     On the other hand, a nurse in inpatient ward at
KFMC nursing cadre is more than 2800 male and     increase the Saudi nursing percentage by accepting    KFMC King Salman Heart Center, Abdullah
female nurses, including 280 Saudis representing  internship programs from most of Saudi universities,  Al-Juhani, stated that nursing is a noble profession
about %10 of the total cadre. He explained that   and developing higher diploma programs for Saudis     aiming to provide services to patients with the
the Senior Administration pays the greatest       in some specialized programs such as intensive care   highest health and international criteria, and help
attention to the nursing cadres’ educational      and cancer care nursing diploma programs Further,     them with all mercy and humanity since nursing is
aspect by holding seminars and training courses.  KFMC sends a number of Saudi nurses for               a pillar of the patient’s approved therapeutic plan.
About 80 courses are held annually in KFMC only   scholarships annually to Australia, USA and United
for nursing sta .                                 Kingdom to obtain bachelor, master and PhD
This came during KFMC celebration yesterday of    degrees in nursing". Dr. Al-Yamany added.
the International Nurses Day that was held this
year entitled "Health is from Human Rights".

Be sure to sleep at night from 7 to 9 hours as it is a necessary factor to maintain your
                                  mental and physical activity.
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