Page 56 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 56
Spanish Bowline
There are various ways of forming
this excellent Bowline featured by a
double loop. The method shown here
is one of the simplest.
Begin by doubling a bight under the
center of rope, crossing the ends am.I
forming two loops (fig. 1). Draw each
strand up through the loop to form
twO extended bights as shown in fig~
ure 2. fig. 1
Each bight must then be twisted in
an outward direction. This is easily
done by gripping them with the
thumb and forefinger of each hand TWIST BIGHTS OUTWARO
and turning them away from each
other. A half twist puts them in posi~ "
tion (fig. 3).
Now, take each side of the lower
loop. Draw these upward so they pass
over and then under the strands that
comJX)Se the upper loops, exactly as
shown by the arrows in figure 3.
Pull the center knot right, retaining
the loops in their extended fashion.
This forms the two--looped Spanish
Bowline (fig. -1-). Inverted, it is (ig.2
gripped by the ends, so that the loops
dangle and can be used for lifting
fig. 4 fig. 3