Page 32 - Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020
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Financial Statements & Annual Report
At Ecobank Gambia our Corporate Ecobank affiliates during the month
Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of November.
have had a positive impact on the
environment, and the communities In line with COVID-19 guidelines, a
we serve. Ecobank recognizes webinar, which formed part of the
the role the communities play bank’s program of activities was
in ensuring the Bank remains in organized to commemorate the
business. Giving back to these 2020 Ecobank Day, which brought
communities is a core objective together over 200 participants
for the Bank at both the corporate targeting customers, stakeholders
and individual levels. During the and staff of the affiliate, a total
year, the Bank continued with amount of GMD150,000 was spent
its corporate social responsibility on the celebration.
(CSR) programs with a key focus on
Health. The webinar constituted of speakers
In our fight to combat the spread and panellists who comprehensively
of COVID-19 pandemic, in April discussed Diabetes from
2020, Ecobank Gambia contributed multiple perspectives, around a
a total amount of GMD1,125,000 common theme; “Experiences
in support of the Government of of people living with NCDs with
Gambia’s efforts to fight the spread emphasis on diabetes, during the
of COVID-19 in the country. COVID-19 pandemic as well as
The total contribution recommendations for a multisectoral
amount included a pledge of reform. The 2020 Ecobank Day
GMD200,000.00 to the Gambia is a continuation of a three-year
Chamber of Commerce to support campaign, which was initiated last
private sector businesses and to year under the umbrella theme of
minimize the potential impact of “Together for Better Health”, aimed
the pandemic on businesses in the at raising mass awareness for
country. Additionally, an amount of Non-Communicable Diseases and
GMD250,00.00 has been donated to helping to prevent their spread in
the Ministry of Health towards the Africa.
purchase of essential equipment
and logistics required by healthcare Ecobank also partnered with
professionals. Ecobank has also InnovaRx Global Health and
donated GMD275,000.00 to support offered free Diabetes Testing Kit to
coronavirus public sensitization customers who use either Ecobank
and public safety, furthermore in Pay or Mobile App to purchase
order promote social distancing and drugs.
uninterrupted access to banking
services, Ecobank reduced the In addition to this, the Bank
charge on Xpress Cash withdrawal organized several staff activities
using our ATMs to the very minimum. towards promoting good health and
During the year, one of the key CSR physical fitness such as Jeruslemma
activities undertaken by the bank Dance challenge, Ecobank Fruity Day
was the “Ecobank Day” celebrations. – a day set aside to promote healthy
This was a Group wide program held eating to fight NCDs, Health Walk
on November 11th and driven in all Challenge as well as staff Personal
Commitment challenge towards the
fight against NCDs.
30 Ecobank Gambia Annual Report 2020