Page 13 - Agib Bank Limited Annual Report 2021
P. 13

to  D2.18  billion  compared  to  D1.16  billion  in
               2020.  Customer  deposits  grew  by  37.7%  from   We lost one of our Board members Mr Nuha
               D2.48 billion to D3.42 billion in 2021 whilst total   Marenah who answered to the call of the
               assets grew by 33.89% to D3.90 billion in 2021    Almighty in September 2021. He was also the
               from D2.91 billion in 2020.                       Managing Director of the bank until February
               In  summary,  2021  was  another  year  of
               improved performance and this is an indication    Outlook for 2022
               of customers’ confidence and trust in the bank    The road map for 2022 is
               as well as the dedication, commitment and high        Digitalization of the bank. A digitalization
               level of integrity of the staff.                     committee has been formed to implement
                                                                    the plan. The digitalization project is in line
               Human Resources                                      with Government’s drive to achieve full
               The bank continues to invest significantly in its    financial inclusion and a cashless society
               human capital, aimed at equipping the staff with     as articulated in the National Development
               the requisite skills and knowledge to be able to     Plan.
               perform better and respond to the needs of our
               customers.    We  will  continue  to  prioritize      Focus on excellence in what we do in order
               capacity  building  as  well  as  consider  human    to continually provide the best service for
               capital to be the most critical in every successful   our valued customers and increase our
               Institution.                                         market share.

               Our  strategic  objective  is  to  have  highly       Take financial services to the door step of
               competent and motivated staff and continue to        the rural population in partnership with our
               provide  a  conducive  working  environment  that    sister company Q-Money.
               encourages    creativity,   collaboration   and
               continuous improvement.                               To enhance staff capacity through training
                                                                    and job rotation.
               Our customers are now enjoying banking in the
               comfort  of  their  living  rooms,  thanks  to  our   Conclusion
               internet  banking  platform.  We  have  developed   On  behalf  of  the  Board  of  Directors  and
               in-house  capacity  for  printing  ATM  cards.  The   Management,  I  wish  to  express  my  sincere
               bank is now able to print and deliver ATM cards   appreciation to our esteemed customers for their
               within minutes of receipt of the request. This is   trust and patronage, our dear shareholders for
               an  incredible  turnaround  time.  The  cards  are   their  support  and  confidence  in  the  Board  of
               produced at a minimum cost to customers. We       Directors  and  wish  to  assure  you  of  our
               have established a Corporate Centre to exploit    unrelenting desire to exceed those expectations
               the  synergies  of  co-location  of  operations  and   by  increasing  and  protecting  the  value  of  your
               business  teams  based  on  the  one-stop  shop   investment.
               concept. We are taking banking to the doorsteps
               of the hitherto unbanked rural population in very   On behalf of my fellow Directors, I wish to thank
               distant parts of the country through our Agency   the  management  and  the  entire  staff  for  their
               banking program.                                  hard  work  and  dedication  towards  actualizing
                                                                 and  sustaining  the  ideals  and  the  corporate
               Dividend                                          objectives of your noble institution.
               In order to ensure that the bank  has sufficient
               capital  buffer  to  withstand  any  unexpected   I would also like to extend my gratitude to the
               losses  and  have  a  strong  capital  footing  to   regulators,  auditors,  service  providers  and  our
               finance  prospective  big  projects,  the  Board  of   partners for their continuous support.
               Directors has recommended not to pay dividend
               this  year  and  plough  back  75%  of  the       I pray that Almighty Allah S.A.W would continue
               distributable  profit  after  transfer  to  Statutory   to guide and direct your bank and every one of
               reserve of 25%.                                   us.

               Significant events during the year ended          Assalamalaikum wa barakatuhu
               The bank invested heavily in the rebranding of                                                       Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements
               our branches which has increased customers’
               confidence in the bank.

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