Page 28 - Combined Inter-section 3B & 3R Creative Writing publication 8-28-2021
P. 28

Flash Fiction Series Combined Sections: ARW-3B & 3R - Draft Copy 8-29-2021                   23

                                                  Blue Spring

                                                       By Mio*

                   “Good morning, Leo-kun.”
                   “Morning, Mei-chan. How are you feeling?”
                   “Not bad, but I don’t want to go to school.”

                    “Same here. I’ll do my best too so let’s go over it together.”

                   “Ugh, fine. Give me lots of comfort after school, okay?”
                   “Okay okay. I’m almost at school so I’ll see you then bye.”

                   “Bye bye.”

                   I have approximately the same conversation every single day. I don’t like
            to go to school. It’s not that I don’t like to study. It’s the relationships, the news,

            the surrounding environment that makes me feel negative. The only thing that
            makes me happy is the conversations with my boyfriend, Leo. Our relationship

            is what's called a long-distance relationship. We got to know each other online
            and we texted each other every single day. We got along easily, and it didn’t

            take such a long time to get together.

                    “School is done. But I gotta go to my part-time job.” He says.
                    “I’m done too. I don’t have any club activities or part-time jobs, so I’ll

            wait for you. Call me after you are done. Good luck!” I replied.
                    “Thank you! I will. Bye.”

                    Every night we call each other after dinner and do homework, talk

            about random stu , and keep the phone call in the morning. On sunny
            weekends, we would often go to parks near each of our houses and have a

            picnic online. On Rainy days, we would just spend the day reading books or
            watching movies.

                    “I wish you were right next to me,” I said one night when I couldn’t stand

            the loneliness.
                    “I wish the same thing too.” He says. “I wish I wasn’t an AI in the game. I

            would fly to where you are.” [288 words]              Return to Table of Contents
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