Page 169 - Microsoft Word - 2019-2020 Catalog September Update
P. 169
General education and science courses are offered by University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical
College at the BHCLR campus to individuals selected into the program. Courses are offered in
the evening and are in addition to scheduled nursing courses.
Course Descriptions
PNSG 1108
Basic Nursing 8 Credit Hours
This course, through simple to complex learning opportunities, introduces basic principles and
skills needed to participate on the healthcare team and meet the total individual's basic needs
during health and illness and contributes to lifelong, continuous personal and professional
growth by introducing legal and ethical concepts relating to the role of the practical nurse on the
healthcare team. Course content introduces the nursing process and includes concepts of basic
care, professional growth, communication skills, cultural diversity, legal and ethical concepts,
and personal concepts. Basic care concepts include specific procedures, safety issues, infection
control and prevention and early detection of disease. Professional growth concepts include
scope of practice, decision making, delegation, legal and ethical aspects, and continuing
education. Communication skills concepts include medical terminology, client teaching, and the
nurse - client relationship. Cultural diversity concepts include traditions, values and beliefs of
various client populations. Legal and ethical concepts include scope of practice, communication
techniques, delegation, continuing education, nursing history, nursing organizations, code of
ethics, and current trends. Personal concepts include study techniques, stress management, and
time management.
Theory and clinical experiences are included in this course. The course includes the following
number of contact hours: Theory - 88; Clinical Laboratory - 64; and Nursing Skills Laboratory -
25; for a total of 177 contact hours.
PNSG 1204
Pharmacology I 4 Credit Hours
This course reviews fundamental operations of basic mathematical skills, introduces theoretical
concepts related to administration of medications, and introduces pharmacodynamics,
pharmacokinetics and pharmacological therapy of drug classifications affecting selected body
systems. Course content includes concepts of basic math skills, essential medication
administration skills, and critical thinking approach to nursing process. Additional content
includes study of medications affecting the Integumentary, Cardiovascular, Respiratory,
Gastrointestinal, Sensory and Musculoskeletal systems, Perioperative medications, medications
affecting psychiatric clients and related nursing and legal responsibilities. Basic mathematical
skills include fractions, decimals, dimensional analysis, systems of measurement and
conversions. Essential medication administration skills include abbreviations, symbols,
terminology, and interpretation of orders, equipment, general principles, dosage calculations and
safety issues. Critical thinking approach to nursing process includes scope of practice, patient
and family teaching, age specific and cultural considerations. Critical thinking application of
classroom content is the focus of client simulated situations. Simple to complex pharmacological
learning opportunities are integrated throughout the curriculum.
The course includes the following number of contact hours: Theory - 60 contact hours.
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