Page 75 - Microsoft Word - 2019-2020 Catalog September Update
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shall be reconsidered for acceptance at the same time as new applicants for the next class to
Credit by Examination
Not available.
Essential Functions*
The technical standards (non-academic) established by the school are physical capabilities to
ensure the “essential functions” that must be demonstrated by the student. Essential functions
reflect requirements for the student to engage in educational and training activities in such a way
that shall not endanger other students or the public, including patients. Students may also have
exposure to potentially infectious agents.
Essential Function Description
1. Behavioral Professional conduct in accordance with Baptist
Health Values.
2. Communication and nonverbal skills The capacity to send and receive a message using
verbal and nonverbal skills.
3. Hearing Ability to hear words and sounds at an appropriate
4. Intellectual/Cognitive Ability to read and understand words and numbers.
5. Motor Skills Fine and gross skills needed for tasks of program.
6. Safety Adhere to organizational policies to maintain safety
in the environment for patient, self, and others.
7. Vision Ability to see in order to perform necessary skills in
a given program. Ability to see colors. A color
blindness exam is administered before Internships
8. Locomotion Ability to demonstrate mobility needed to perform
laboratory testing and patient services in a timely
manner. Most of the counters in the laboratory are
chest high.
Entrance Date
The entrance dates are reflected on the School Calendar herein presented in this portion of the
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