P. 16

Speed:  For  me,  ultimately,  it  would  be  Alter
         Bridges. Myles Kennedy is one of my favorites.
         Breaking Benjamin…

         Danno:  I  was  gonna  say  Stone  Sour.  Us  and
         anyone would be a great bill (laughing).

         JP: Who is the primary songwriter now?

         Speed: All of us. “Devil’s Advocate” was the first
         song Codey brought into the band. He was like,
         super nervous. He and Danno brought it to me.
         I took it home and sent them a text message the
         next day and said, “Don’t change a (expletive)
         thing. This is perfect.”

          JP:  You  had  some  announcements  you
          made when you were on 101.5 Bob Rocks.
          Can you tell me about them?

          Speed:  We  made  the  announcement  that  the
          new acoustic single will be released October 9 .
          On October 13 , they are doing presales, so you
          can  be  one  of  the  first  ones  to  get  the  CD.  I
          believe it’s October 27 , we are going to release
          the CD and do a CD release show, something we
          haven’t done in like 3 or 4 years for “Devil’s in
          the Details.” We had about 850 people there for       Speed: Yes. There have been a lot of interviews.

          that.  With  it  being  so  close  to  Halloween,  we   Our manager David Snowden is doing a lot of
          thought -- let’s do it in a haunted location. It’s a   them.  There  have  not  been  a  lot  brought

          brewery that was an old Civil War hospital. We        forward to me, so I believe there are many not

          are going to release the exact location to our fans       making it past the interview.
          on our email list first.
                                                                    JP: Lots of things happening in the camp.
          JP:  I  don’t  see  Skoot.  Has  there  been  a
          change in the lineup?                                     Speed: I believe they’re also working on a DVD
                                                                    that will include some behind the scenes stuff
          Speed:  Yes,  there  has  been  a  change  in  the        for November as well.
                                                                JP: Where do you see yourselves as a band
          JP: Is it a permanent change?                         in two years?

          Speed:  It  is  not  a  permanent  change  yet.  TC   Speed: In two years? I think we’re successful.
          Bardello,  someone  we  have  known  for  a  long     We’ve gained more respect. I think that’s great.
          time, has been filling in and will for the rest of    I don’t think we’re ever going to be satisfied, no
          the year so we can continue touring.                  matter how much success we have.

          JP: Are you auditioning replacements?
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