Page 20 - ENCARDIO-RITE - User List
P. 20

Project                       Client              Scope of works

                                  4-lane road tunnel – cut and
           Sheikh Zayed Street    cover,   3   km   long;   4   Samsung – Saif Bin   Pre/Post survey of 186 structures,
           tunnel project, Abu    interchange   underpasses,   Darwish Joint      upto 54 storeys
           Dhabi                                             Venture/Parsons
                                  each 1 km long.
           Muharraq STP Project,   16 km long sewerage tunnel,   Samsung Engineering   Pre/Post survey of almost 390
           Bahrain                micro-tunneling project    Co. Ltd.             structures

                                  Contract T01: 13 km main   Samsung C&T          Pre/Post survey
                                  sewer deep gravity tunnel     Corporation, Korea

                                  Contract T02 & T03: 25.5 km
                                  main sewer deep gravity    Impregilo, Italy     Pre/Post survey
           Strategic Tunnel       tunnel
           Programme    (STEP)    Contracts LS01 & LS02: 42 km
           Project, Abu Dhabi     link sewer deep gravity    Zublin, Germany      Pre/Post survey

                                  Contract PS01: 100 m deep x
                                  55 m dia underground Pump   Odebrecht, Brazil   Post construction survey

           Dubai Water Canal      Canal and Coastal Works    Belhasa Six Construct   Pre/Post survey
           Infrastructure Package-3    (R999/3)              L.L.C (Besix)/RTA
                                  Gold Line
                                  13.5 km tunnel with 10     ALYSJ JV             Pre/Post survey

                                  Gold Line Underground      ALYSJ JV             Pre/Post survey
                                  Extension Design Stage                          ~790 structures and 3700 utilities
                                  Green Line
           Doha Metro Project     ~16.6 km tunnel with 8     PSH JV               Pre/Post survey and Structural
                                  stations                                        survey ~ 185 structures

                                  Major stations (underground)   SOQ JV           Pre/Post survey

                                  Red Line South             QGD JV               Pre/Post survey
                                  ~12 km tunnel with 8 stations                   ~585 structures

                                  Enabling works             HSP Enabling JV      Pre survey

           Expolink Route 2020    Dubai Metro extension      Expolink-CWJV        Pre-construction survey

                                  ~30 km Main Trunk Sewer
           Inner Doha Resewerage   tunnel                    BYTP - UCC - BCQ -   Pre/Post survey
           Implementation Strategy   Contracts MTS-01~16 km;   BESSAC JV          structure/building/utility
                                  MTS-03~14 km

           Inner Doha Resewerage   ~15 km Main Trunk Sewer   Al Sraiya Strabag -   Pre/Post survey
           Implementation Strategy   tunnel - Contract MTS-02   Hochtief - Petroserv JV   structure/building/utility

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