Page 14 - Mark Gommers "Bowlines Analysis
P. 14
Tiable In the Bight (TIB)… continued
Here is an example of a locked Bowline that can be made TIB by tucking the tail through
the collar. Interestingly, if the double overhand stopper knot was tied around the ongoing
eye leg, the structure can no longer be made TIB with a tail tuck through the collar.
eye leg
eye leg
This structure can only be This structure can be made This structure is not TIB
made TIB if the stopper knot TIB by directing the tail because the stopper knot is tied
is tied around the returning back up through the collar. around the ongoing eye leg
eye leg. (tucking the tail back through
the collar will not work…)
Other areas of interest with TIB Bowlines is whether such structures can sustain a biaxial
loading profile – like #1053 Butterfly knot – with each SPart 180 degrees opposed. This
author believes that Bowlines with the tail exiting via the collar in a parallel pathway with
the SPart may be vulnerable to instability in such loading profiles. The legs of the collar
will be forced apart with a consequence of vulnerability to inversion/spilling.
The collar
is distorted.
#1053 Butterfly eye knot is a The standard #1010 Bowline Lee’s Link Bowline is ‘TIB’.
‘TIB’ structure that can be can be biaxially loaded (it However, it is not able to
biaxially loaded. The mimics the core function of sustain a biaxial loading
structure can in fact be tri- a sheet bend). However, it is profile (the collar is distorted
axially loaded making it not ‘TIB’. and may invert).
useful in mountaineering
Page 13 of 59 Bowline Analysis Version 2.7a 16 July 2016 © Copyright Mark Gommers