Page 7 - Mark Gommers "Bowlines Analysis
P. 7

The Anatomy of a Standard Bowline (#1010)
                                                                                               Standing part (‘SPart’)

                                                                                              Note: The collar is a specific
                                                                                              region of the bight structure.
                                                                                              It is where the bight performs
                                                                                              a U turn around the SPart.
                                                                                              The collar has 2 ‘legs’.
               Core (nub)

                                               1                        2
                                                                                               Legs of the Collar:

        Nipping loop                                                                           1) entry leg

        (a closed helical structure)                                                           2) exit leg
        This photo shows a

        Bowline based on a right-                               C

        hand helical nipping loop.
                                                                                               Crossing point
        Note: A helix can be right-                                                            (This also marks the point

        handed or left-handed, not                                                             where the SPart enters and

        as rotating clockwise or                                                               becomes the nipping loop)

        Handedness (or chirality)

        is a property of the helix,                         S

        not of the perspective. A

        right-handed helix cannot
        be turned or flipped to                                                                 Region of highest

        look like a left-handed one                                                             stress & strain

        unless it is viewed in a

        mirror, and vice versa.

                                                           (begins from exit
                                                           point of the nipping
                                                           loop to the end)

                                                         Tail end

             Returning Eye-leg
             (ends at the point
             where it enters the                                                               Ongoing Eye-leg
             nipping loop)                                                                      (begins where it
                                                                                                 emerges from
                                                                                                  the nipping
                                                            T                                       loop)

                                                                    ‘Tip’ of the eye (position marked T)

                      Page 6 of 59      Bowline Analysis Version 2.7a    16 July 2016   © Copyright Mark Gommers
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