P. 12

Leaders & Politics


          2020 presidential

          election re-run

          and COVID 19                                   Incumbent, President Peter Mutharika (left), Lazarus Chakwera
                                                         (centre) and Saulos Chilima (right)

              alawi’s Supreme Court May 7, in   In  February, Parliament had passed the   “The position of this court is that
         Ma unanimous decision upheld an    Parliamentary  and  Presidential  Elections   the  widespread  use  of  Tippex  greatly
          earlier court ruling that annulled President   Act (PPEA) Amendment Bill on 24   undermined  the  integrity  of  the
          Peter Mutharika’s narrow election victory   February, setting 19 May as the date for the   elections so much, so that, applying the
          last year. A new election will now be held   new presidential elections and extending   qualitative approach, the argument by
          on July 2. Three candidates, including   the terms of MPs and local councilors   the second respondent (Malawi Electoral
          Mutharika, have filed their nomination   by one year to allow for harmonized   Commission) that the valid vote count
          papers.                           presidential, parliamentary and local   was not affected and that no monitor came
          In the May 2019 general elections,   elections in 2025.              forward to raise a complaint does not
          incumbent President Peter Mutharika of   In  March  the  Malawi  Electoral  matter and this argument is thrown out”,
          the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)   Commission announced a new election   the ruling stated.
          was re-elected with 39% of the vote,   date, 2 July, one day before the 150 day   The court further ordered  that the new
          defeating Lazaro Chakwera of the Malawi   limit  to  hold  elections  as  set  by  the   elections be held under a majoritarian
          Congress Party (35%) and Saulos Chilima                              system, a legal provision which was
          of the United Transformation Movement   Constitutional Court.        rejected by the Malawi Parliament some
          (20%).                            Mutharika has always defended the results   two years ago, who instead had opted for
          The DPP also remained the largest party   as been having free and fair, but the   simple majority system.
          in the National Assembly, winning 62 of   Constitutional Court said there just too   Since the announcement of the election
          the 193 seats. However, the presidential   many irregularities and some results were   results over eight months ago, Malawi
          election  was  challenged  in  court  by   changed using typewriter or correction   has experienced a spate of protests across
          Chakwera and Chilima, and in February   fluid.”                      the country, with protester demanding
          2020 the Constitutional Court annulled   In the ruling, Justice Kapanda, one of the   the resignation of Jane Ansah, the
          the presidential election results, citing   seven judges who presided over the case   chairwoman of the MEC for allegedly
          evidence of irregularities, and ordered   said:   “We find that the first appellant   mismanaging the elections.
          fresh elections be held within 150 days.   [Mutharika] was not duly elected to the   Meanwhile, like a number of countries
          The Constitutional Court in February had   office of the president.  around the world, will be faced with
          cited “widespread, systematic and grave”   Mutharika immediately after, filed his   the predicament of how to hold an
          irregularities  when  it annulled  the  vote   nomination papers for the July rerun   election during the pandemic without
          that returned Mutharika to power last   alongside his new running mate Atupele   undermining measure in place to control
          May;  however,  Mutharika,  79,  and  the   Muluzi, the 41-year old son of former   the spread of the virus.
          electoral commission later appealed the                              If the country decides to go ahead with the
          Constitutional Court’s decision.  President Bakili Muluzi, who ruled
                                            Malawi from 1994 to 2004.          election it will have to make a number of
          The Supreme Court, in its ruling said, “The                          changes to the electoral process, especially
          various breaches undermined the duties   Atupele Muluzi served as health minister   the voting, to accommodate Covid-19
          of the Malawi Electoral Commission and   during Mutharika’s first term and   measures such as physical distancing.
          grossly undermined rights of voters. None   contested last year’s presidential election,   If  Malawi  postpones  the  election,  the
          of the candidates obtained a majority.”   coming in a distant fourth.  country will not be alone; to date, 48
          adding that the electoral commission   It was the first time a presidential election   countries around the world – including
          should  not have appealed, as  doing so   was challenged  on  legal  grounds in  the   six in Africa, including Ethiopia– have
          showed it was taking sides.       south African nation, since independence   postponed one type of election or another.
          “The conduct of the electoral commission   from the United Kingdom in 1964, and   How it goes about the postponement
          left a lot to be desired,” Justice Frank   only the second vote result to be cancelled   would be another matter, particularly
          Kapanda said.  «There was a lack of   in Africa after the 2017 Kenya presidential   owing the fact that, these elections were
          seriousness and incompetence.»    vote.                              order by a court of law.

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