Page 15 - Parent Hanbook.cdr
P. 15

Time for Policy and Procedures

              We have taken time and care to develop policies and procedures that will ensure your child's   medical treatment.
              safety, security and wellbeing at all times. Copies are available through our centre office,   It is a requirement that all child immunisations are kept up to date. If this is not up to date
              displayed on noticeboards and will be regularly added to our newsletter to enable consultation   and in the event of an outbreak of a serious communicable illness your child may be
              and feedback. Below are some brief points from our policies to get you started.
                                                                                            excluded from the centre under the direction of the Medical Officer of Health. As part of
                                                                                            the enrolment process you are asked to show a copy of your child's immunisation
              Sign  in / out Policy                                                         certificate.
              Each morning and afternoon we ask that you sign your name and your child's time of arrival or
              departure on our daily register located on our reception desk in the entrance. If someone else is   Medication
              dropping or collecting your child please let them know of this requirement. We require this to be   The centre will administer medication to your child. For safety reasons, medications must
              completed correctly each day to ensure the safety of your child in an emergency or evacuation,
                                                                                            be within the expiry date, and if prescribed by a doctor, it must have the correct child's
              and for funding and staffing purposes.
                                                                                            name on it. All medication administered must be signed in the medication register by a
                                                                                            parent or guardian. No medication will be administered without the correct authorisation.
              Sunhat Policy                                                                 (See Medication of Children Policy)
              It is our policy that all children wear sunhats outside during summer months. Please bring along
              a named sunhat each day or you are welcome to leave the hat at our centre. We will provide   Emergency and Evacuation
              cancer society approved sunblock for your children. Please bring in an alternative if your child has   In the unlikely event of an emergency or evacuation our centre has a full Emergency and
              allergies or other specific needs.
                                                                                            Evacuation Procedure and Policies which are practiced on a regular basis. All registered
                                                                                            teachers have current First Aid Certificates. You are welcome to see our Centre Manager to
              Health                                                                        view these policies. Should an emergency arise you, or your emergency contact noted on
              In the unlikely event of a medical emergency your child will be given basic First Aid treatment by   your enrolment form will be contacted at the earliest time possible.
              the centre staff and if necessary taken to the hospital in an ambulance – parents or a contact
              person will be notified immediately (see Accident Policy and Procedures).     Financial Support / Subsidies
              Any child with diarrhoea or vomiting is required to stay home until 48 hours after symptoms   Work and Income New Zealand provide subsidies for families who may need help to pay
              settle. (See Exclusion Due to Illness policy)
                                                                                            the parent portion of the fees. Our Centre Manager has the information and guidelines to
              We have an additional needs form with your enrolment form should your child need special   apply for this subsidy. Please see our office for full details and we will do our best to help.
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