Page 75 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024  75

               International engagement is also        respecting state boundaries and
               pivotal to combat cross-border          sovereignty.
               threats   and    attacks   involving
               multiple     jurisdictions.  Strong     While establishing or enhancing
               international engagement plays          cooperation      will   significantly
               important  roles  in  addressing  the   strengthen  relationships,  Malaysia
               challenge, particularly in expediting   is also committed to adhering to
               cross-border enforcement activities.    the   international   commitments
                                                       and obligations with  regard to
               Fostering    global   collaboration     cyber security (where appropriate),
               is  thus  a  key  component  of  this   be it at regional, sub-regional or
               strategy. Malaysia needs to engage      multilateral level. Malaysia also
               with  other  trusted international      recognises  the  need  to  build
               entities to strengthen cooperation      capacity in cyber diplomacy.
               that  is  mutually  beneficial,  while

               For that reason, this Pillar aims to strengthen global collaboration through
               two strategic initiatives specifically by:

                              Strengthening                      Malaysia's
                               international                   commitment in
                            collaboration and               promoting a secure,
                               cooperation                  stable and peaceful
                             in cyber security                 cyberspace to
                                  affairs                   uphold international
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