Page 9 - Countertrade
P. 9


                                                   Barter Transactions

                                         Goods and/or Services

                   Seller                                                  Buyer
                                              Goods and/or Services

                                                              Barter is the exchange between

                                                              two parties of goods and services
                                                              without recourse to a cash
                                                              transaction. It involves a single
                                                              contract that covers both
                                                              transaction flows and is by far the
                                                              oldest form of countertrade. Even

                                                              Roman soldiers were, on occasion,
                                                              paid for their services by offering
                                                              salt rather than currency.

                                                               It is often used to boost trade
                                                              between countries e.g.

                                                              In 1990, the Russian government
                                                              in a barter deal swopped vodka for
                                                              Pepsi syrup and bottling equipment
                                                              from the U.S. firm Pepsico Inc. The
                                                              objective was to double Pepsico’s
                                                              soft-drink sales in Russia, open
                                                              two-dozen new bottling plants and

                                                              launch its Pizza Hut restaurants in
                                                              the country's biggest cities. To
               finance the expansion, Pepsico promised to increase its sales of
               Russian Stolichnaya vodka in the United States and begin a new
               venture selling and leasing Soviet-built ships abroad. The deal failed.
               Nevertheless, Pepsico made another deal by taking 17 submarines, a
               cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer in payment for Pepsi products. In turn,
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