Page 240 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 240
“Just play. Have fun.
Enjoy the game.”
These lines portray the enthusiasm with which
the tiny toddlers of Kindergarten participated Monkey pranks
in the Annual Sports Day. It was a much
awaited event for parents, students and
teachers. Participation and having fun was the
mantra for the day. It was all about camarade-
rie and team spirit with their peer group.
‘Story meets Sports’ was the theme for the day,
stories and sports being an integral part of a
child’s life at this age. The tiny tots of Nursery
recreated a magical world of fairies, princes, Our little Champs
candies and castles. They swept us off to the
fantasy land filled with music, enchantment,
love and triumph of good over evil. Attired in
colourful costumes they enacted ‘Thumbelina’
and ‘Hansel and Gretel.’ In the grand finale, our M
little Aladdins and Jasmines swayed to the
vibrant rhythm of ‘Beats of Arabia.’ E
The LKG kiddos took us on a wild ride to peep E
into the animal kingdom through the
Scintillating moves of Alladin
Panchatantra tales. They used their wit, T
intelligence and strength to overcome the
hurdles . Their vibrant costumes drove us to the
make believe world of jungle safari. The S
synchronisation to the beat of the music was
well displayed during the ‘Flight of Success’
The budding buds of UKG put up an extrava-
gant show about ‘Atulya Bharat’. They brought
our country alive with thematic races Shake and Dance
showcasing the culture and tradition from every Swirling winds
part of India. Our unique diversity was
portrayed to the fullest with vibrant colours and
traditional costumes. The kiddos left the
audience spellbound with their dazzling display
of balance and sharp reflexes in the ‘Happy
Feather’ drill.
It was indeed a proud and momen-
tous occasion for parents who
witnessed these splendid perfor-
mances which will be cherished and
remembered in the days to come.