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Prophet Muhammad came with a law which requires men, be they fathers, sons, brothers
or even rulers, to look after women, maintain them, meet their legitimate needs, and
allow them to enjoy their rights, which Islam has granted them, such as the right to
inheritance and to a dowry, and the right to choose whomever they wish to marry and to
remarry after divorce.[8] Allah says in the Qur'an (2/228), "And due to the wives is
similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable."
The religion with which he was sent calls to showing kindness to parents even if they
fight against Islam: "We have enjoined on man to show kindness to his parents;
his mother bears him in hardship upon hardship, and his weaning takes two
years: Give thanks to Me and to your parents; to Me is the ultimate return. But
if they press you to associate something with Me about which you have no
knowledge, do not obey them. Yet be kind to them in this world..." (Qur'an
31/14-15) It also calls to showing kindness to others. The Prophet said, "Hellfire is
forbidden to touch anyone who is approachable, easy-going, soft-spoken and gentle."
(Ahmad, 3937) It also warns against harshness. The prophet once asked his companions,
"Shall I not inform you of the dwellers of Hellfire?" "Yes," they said. He then said, "Every
harsh, haughty and arrogant person." (Muslim, 7136)
Islam honors and respects human rights, and the implementation of its laws is bound to
guarantee peace and harmony between people. The Prophet said, "The real bankrupt
from my nation is one who comes on the Day of Judgment with prayers, fasting and
charity yet he also brings with him [heinous deeds], as he has insulted, abused, stolen
from, killed or beaten others. So his good deeds will be credited to those whom he had
wronged. If his good deeds fall short of settling the account, their bad deeds will be
added to his, and he will be thrown into the Fire." (Muslim, 6531) Islam also commands
justice and kindness even with the enemy. Allah says, "O you who have believed, be
persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the
hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to
righteousness. And fear Allah." (Qur'an 5/8)
In a nutshell, it is a comprehensive religion and way of life that caters to the needs of the
mind, the body and the soul, and it is suitable for all times and places. It enjoins all good
and forbids all evil deeds.[9]
Before his prophetic mission, Prophet Muhammad was married to Khadeejah, a wealthy
and noble lady from Makkah, for whom he had worked as a merchant. When he publicly
proclaimed the new faith, his people offered him leadership, wealth and all types of
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