P. 61

Doctrines of Christianity and Islam

Many denominations of Christianity believe in the following five doctrines: (1) the
Trinity, (2) the divinity of Jesus, (3) the divine sonship of Jesus, (4) Original sin, and (5)
the atonement.
Islam professes the oneness of Allah, which means that Allah is the only God who
deserves to be worshipped and whose help is sought. Indeed, this is a fundamental
principle in Islam, as opposed to the triune God of many Christian denominations. Islam
sees the deification of Jesus as a reversion to paganism.[1] The Qur'an teaches that Jesus
was not God incarnate but rather a prophet and a messenger who, like all other God's
prophets, called to the worship of God alone. Islam also rejects the so-called divine
sonship of Jesus and does not accept the doctrine of original sin, the vicarious sacrifice
and the atonement.
The fundamental doctrines of faith in Islam are six: (1) belief in the oneness of
God, (2) belief in the angels, (3) belief in the revealed scriptures, (4) Belief in the
messengers of God, (5) belief in the Day of Resurrection, and (6) belief in God's
decree (al-qadar), both the good and bad aspects of it
[1]As Will and Ariel state in their book, The Story of Civilization, vol. 11, p. 276,
"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it." This applies to the Christianity of
Paul and not the true and pure religion of Jesus Christ who called for the worship of God
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