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them. You are Witness of all things. If You punish them, they are Your slaves.
If you forgive them, You are the Almighty, the All-Wise.' Allah will say, 'This is
the Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They shall
forever dwell in Gardens through which rivers flow. Allah is pleased with them
and they with Him: that is the supreme triumph.'"
These facts make it abundantly clear that Islam is not the only religion that refutes Jesus'
divinity; indeed, Biblical texts do just the same. A poll carried out by London Weekend
Television's weekly religion show, Credo, 19 out of 31 bishops of the Anglican Church
stated that Christians are not obligated to believe that Jesus Christ was God.[6]
[1]This is exactly what Jesus said of himself, whereas he said about God, "For with God
all things are possible" (Mark 10/27).
[2]The word 'Rabbi,' translated as 'Lord' actually means 'master' (KJV) or 'teacher'
(The New KJV). John 1/38 says, "Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following,
said to them, 'What do you seek?' They said to Him, 'Rabbi' (which is to say,
when translated, Teacher), 'where are You staying?'"
[3]In Matthew 12/50 we read, "For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven
is My brother and sister and mother." Matthew here changes the word 'God' to 'my
Father' for theological purposes. As Kisman rightly said, "Both Luke and Matthew
deliberately changed Mark's text a hundred times for theological purposes."
[4] In fact, eating represents need and dependence on external elements, and the True
God is neither in need nor dependent on anything. Besides, eating entails processing of
the food in the body and then the need to defecate. Such acts do not befit the majesty
of God.
[5]The Bible says of Melchisedec, "…without father, without mother, without
genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life…" (Hebrews7/3).
However, no one ever claimed his divinity.
[6]Daily News, 25 June, 1984.
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