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[4] There are numerous Biblical texts that categorically prohibit alcohol in both the Old
Testament and the New Testament, as in Isaiah 5/22; Proverbs 20/1; Luke 1/15; 1
Corinthians 6/10; Galatians 5/21; 1 Corinthians 5/11; Ephesians 5/18; and 1 Peter 4/3 4,
to mention but a few examples. However, because there are other Gospel writers with
other inclinations and desires, including their desire to win those accustomed to drinking
alcohol over or due to their own desire to drink it, we find other texts calling to drinking
alcohol and even encourage becoming addicted to it. In this way, we find that these
writers give precedence to their personal desires over the noble principles prophets called
so that their people would achieve salvation!
[5] Prophet Muhammad said, "From among my followers there will be some people who
will consider illegal sexual intercourse, wearing of silk for men, consuming alcoholic drinks
and the use of musical instruments lawful." (Al-Bukhaaree, 5590). This prophecy has
already been fulfilled, and now we find that some Muslims not only listen to music but
also consider doing so lawful despite the fact that it is strictly forbidden.
[6] Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11/7, "For a man indeed ought not to cover his head,
since he is the image and glory of God." Therefore, if a man ought not to cover his
head, why do so many members of the clergy wear a form of head covering? Why don't
they follow the teachings of Paul to whom, as they claim, Christ revealed himself? Why
do the Orthodox priests wear black head coverings despite the fact that their Holy Book
says, "Let your garments be always white…"? Furthermore, is there a relationship
between wearing a headgear and being equal to God? Is it, then, not true that an ordinary
Muslim follows the teachings of the Qur'an more than members of the clergy follow the
teachings of the Bible?
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