Page 60 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 60
Sr,.,*a"g Tro"sptt-^4t o',t u{ Q^PV,t .\
Transfbrmation Image of -.rl (iraplr
Mni-f shift of g units
I lorizontal shift ofp unis y=y.r_pl _v = - p')-
rranslarion *... y=(x- p)1 +q
v _r
q (, p)'nq
Venical stretch with ,? 2
strelch constanL
Horizontal stretch with y=(.r/k)1 r/I)r
stretch constant k l,
Reflection in the ;r-axis 2 v ,t I
Reflcction in rhe v-axis - .t l y t' it symmclrical about
the .y-axis and is therclbrc its
own image undcr a rellection
in the v-aris-