Page 71 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 71



                QtJA  DITATIC  EQIIA,I.tON

                   general  form ofa quadratic
               a*O                            equation  is atl +  bx + c  = 0, rvhere a, b, c are real constants  and

               IVIethods for solving quadratic  equations

                  (i)    Collect the terms in the order ax2 + hx ]- c  = 0, then factorisc  the Ieft_hand  side

                  (2)    Arrange in the form  ax2 + bx--c,thencompletethesquareontheleft-hand

                         side, adding  the appropriate  number  to both sides.
                  (.i)                                  -b+ h)  4ac
                          Use the quadratic  formula  _r
              Thc Discriminant
                  cxpression  b2  4 ac is known  as the discriminant  and is often  represented  by the
              delta symbol L=b2  4ac

              The nature of the roots

                    a quadratic  function
                                        f(x) = ax, + bx + c
              Let A.= b'z  4ac  then
                        (r)    it A > 0, the equation
                                                      f(x)  = O has two distinct  real roots
                        (2)    if A < 0  ,  the equation
                                                      .f(r) = O has two distinct complex  roots.
                        (3)    if A = 0, the equation  (x)  :0  has one repeated  real root  a

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