Page 77 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 77
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[]L.{axitnon mork: I 7J
A city is cocceued atront pollution,
and decides to look at the aumbsr of peopte
usrng taxis -4.t the erd of the year.2000, there rver" ZgO ,"*rs ; th. .ty- After z years
ibe nrmber of taxrs- I, in tbe city is givea by
T :280xtj2"
G) (, Fiad the mlnber oftaxis Irr rhe ciry ar tLe end of 2005 ,
A_< 413
(ii) Find the yea_r il rvhich the nurnber of taxis is double the -oumber of taxis
there *tsre at the end of2000. An9:. 0A1 .
[6 naru
(b) At the end of 2000 tlere rvere 25 600 people fu the city \.ho usecl tn{s
After l years the number of people, p,
in the city rvfr. ,,rJ'rixis i" g^=, fry
P_ 2560000
I0+ 90e-0r"
*P anhe end of 2005. giuing yorr arswer to t[e nearest
:fj__l"J$:: fi11 : 't4 6i e
(ii) A-fter sevo complete years, rvill tlre r.altre of p
be double rrs lalue at dre y'r,15 .. nol d oubiacA
end of2000? Justifr
1.our ansn er-
[6 rnor*sJ
G) I-et.R be the ratio of the aurrrber ofpeoprle usiag taxrs ia ehe city to fhe rrumber-
- ,
oftaxi. The city will reducc the anmber of taxl if ,t <7O
(, Fiod tbe ralae ofR at rhr eud of2000.
A-s'. Cys,,7
q\ [5 marksl
6 - TLe firncticrs f(x) atd g(_r) are &fired by ,f(..): aad g(-r-)=h(l+2_r)
G) Write dowa f(;r) Ans'.ln t
O) O Fiod Qf"sxr) 4ns'. (t t2.^\
[i] Fiad (.f "g) 4"5 , 11