Page 47 - Math SL HB Sem 3
P. 47
Slatistics Ard Probability
Probabilitv butions(Proba bilitv Function)
-A probabiliry distribution can be displayed in any one ofthe following formas:
(i) Tabular Form
(i i) Graphical represenration
(iii) Function
Use each ofthe protrabitity distribution representariorx discussed to display the
results ofthe experirnent where a coin is tossed three times in succession-
For the following probabilit!, disrriburion function, find the value oia.
P(Y=y):ay, for y: t,2-3,4.
The probability density firnction ofthe discrete random variables is given b1,
P(X x) - fr, - :O,r
"(1)' 2,1,-. -Frnd rhe vatue ofrhe consrant a -