Page 75 - Math SL HB Sem 3
P. 75

Statistics  And Probabiliry

           6-1   DEPENDENT EVENTS
           -Depehdent  €vents  are evenls  where the occurrence  of one of the events does affect
           the occurrence of the other event-

           -I[A and B arc dependent eventq then
             P(A  then B)  P(A) x P(B  given that A has occurred)

            A box contains  4 red and 2 yellow  tickers. Two tickets  arc randomly selected, one by one
             from the box, without replacement-  Find the probability  that:
            (a) both are red
            (b) the first is red and the sccond is yellow-

            A hat contairs  tickets with numbers 1,2,3,19,20  printed  on them- If 3 tickets  are drawn
             from the hat, without replacemen! determihe the probabitity  that all are prime  numbers.

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80