Page 24 - Math SL HB Sem 2
P. 24


                            Many problems where we try to find the maximum  or minimum value of a variable
                            can be solved using differential  calculus techniques.  The solution is often referred
                            to as the optimum solution.

                            Example l:

                             An open+op box is to be made from a square  of sheet metal 40cm on a side by
                             cutting  a square from each comer and bending up the sides along the dashed line in
                             Figure l. Find the dimension xofthe  cutout that will result in aboxof  the greatest

                               I             I

                                  *o Lr.

                             Example 2:
                             Find the most economical  shape  (minimum             open
                             Surface  area) for a box with a square  base,
                             .rertical  sides and an open top, given that it
                             must contain 4 liters.
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