Page 4 - PNMB : Act 718
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Agensi Inovasi Malaysia                      3

                                         LAWS OF MALAYSIA

                                                  Act 718

                              AGENSI INOVASI MALAYSIA ACT 2010

                                       ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS

                                                   PART I

                       1.  Short title and commencement
                       2.  Application
                       3.  Interpretation

                                                   PART II

                                           AGENSI INOVASI MALAYSIA
                       4.  Agensi Inovasi Malaysia
                       5.  Functions of the Agency

                       6.  Powers of the Agency
                       7.  Governance Council
                       8.  Alternate members
                       9.  Allowance
                      10.  Vacation of office
                     11.  Meetings
                      12.  Procedure at meetings
                     13.  Minutes
                      14.  Council may invite others to meetings

                      15.  Resolutions without meeting
                      16.  Council may establish committees
                      17.  Vacation of office of member of committee
                      18.  Disclosure of interest
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