Page 17 - Revista digital equipo 5 U1 Expo.
P. 17


                                          Healthy and unhealthy habits

         ASPECTS               HEALTHY                                                 UNHEALTHY
         HIGIENE                  •  Wash your hands before                  •  Having large and dirty nail

                                      eating because they're a                  should spread germs
                                      transmission medium of                 •  Reusing towels can spread
                                      infections.                               infections because they easily
                                                                                harbor bacteria and body
                                  •  Brush your teeth after every               secretion.
                                      meal is avoid tooth decay.

         NUTRITION                •  Drink enough water to stay              •  Drinking too much soda is not
                                      hydrated all day.                         good because they contain
                                  •  Eating slowly and chewing                  many sugars.
                                      food well will help you have           •  Drinking alcohol can cause
                                      better digestion.                         several health problems and pir
                                                                                its high calorie content can
                                                                                quickly increase body weight.

         ENVIRONMENT              •  Avoid taking large showers              •  Smoking brings with it the
                                      and in this way you can save              excessive disposal of cigarette
                                      hundreds of liters of water.              butts that can lose up to 10
                                                                                years in biodegradation and
                                  •   Reuse paper, cardboard,                   there are also chemical
                                      boxes, glass containers and               substances that damage the
                                      bags to reduce the amount of              ozone layer.

                                                                             •  By not separating our garbage
                                                                                into organic and inorganic, it
                                                                                fails to be recycled and
                                                                                increases the amount of waste.

         PHYSICAL                 •  You should do yoga to                   •  If you don't exercise, you
         ACTIVITY                     maintain a good posture and               wouldn't burn calories and
                                      be relaxed.                               develop diseases like diabetes.
                                  •  Going up to stairs instead of           •  Drinking a lot of water while you
                                      going up elevators will help              are exercising causes stomach
                                      you burn calories                         pain.
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