Page 111 - Teen Manual
P. 111

Emotions, Thoughts, and Situations That Trigger Ineffective Behavior
CORE CONCEPT: Understand what triggers your ineffective behavior and plan solutions.
Read and discuss the following triggers for ineffective behaviors and check the ones that apply to you. Implement the suggested solutions, and add the information you learn about yourself and what might be effective to your skill plans.
L Youfeelpainfulemotions:Anxiety,depression,anger,hopelessness,guilt,andshamearejustsome of the emotions that can lead you to engage in an ineffective behavior.
Solution: Accept the emotion without judging it, talk to someone supportive, or throw yourself into an activity or distraction. Remember that unhealthy coping of all types feeds painful emotions.
L You find yourself in “high-risk” situations: You are surrounded by people, places, and things that you strongly associate with an ineffective behavior and/or you are in a situation where people are engaging in ineffective behaviors and maybe even pressuring you to engage too.
Solution: Would you stay in a burning building? Figure out how you are going to walk out in a calm and orderly manner, using your skills and/or plan(s).
L Youhaveabadday:Youuseadifficultdayasanexcusetoescapeortakeabreakthrough ineffective behavior.
Solution: We all need to manage stress on bad days, so develop skills to replace your ineffective behavior. L Youhaveagreatday:Youuseagreatdayasanexcusetoprolongpositivefeelingsthrough
ineffective behavior.
Solution: Brainstorm other ways to keep good times going without your ineffective behavior.
L Youreminisceaboutthe“goodolddays”:Youarenostalgicaboutyourineffectivebehaviorand do not remember any of the corresponding “bad old days” that came with it.
Solution: Gain some balance by recalling the “bad old days” and how your ineffective behavior has negatively affected you.
L You minimize the effects of your ineffective behavior: You push away how your ineffective behavior affects you and others negatively (e.g., thinking that your addiction is not nearly as bad as that of others).
Solution: Think about the long-term effects of your ineffective behavior on your life (e.g., your health or finances). Remember that you probably have no special defenses against the long-term effects of your ineffective behavior.
L Youexperiencestrongphysicalsensationsandcravings:Somebodilysensationscanstrongly motivate ineffective behavior.
Solution: Practice Urge-Surfing, Opposite to Emotion, relaxation, or distraction. Seek out healthy pleasures and use Build Positive Experience.

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