Page 112 - Teen Manual
P. 112

L You experience withdrawal symptoms: When you have withdrawal symptoms and feel unwell, it can be tempting to use your ineffective behavior to feel better again. Beware of this vicious cycle!
Solution: Use Radical Acceptance with withdrawal symptoms and consult a physician if needed. Immediately practice PLEASED and/or self-care skills, and try to get into healthy distractions. The discomfort will pass in time.
L Youthinkthatalittlebitofyourineffectivebehaviorwon’thurtyou:Intruthyouknow it definitely will not be just a little.
Solution: Count the times that you held to a little bit of your ineffective behavior compared to the times it spiraled into more, or gather this data going forward.
L You “reason” that this is the last time you will do you ineffective behavior or that you will change starting tomorrow: However, your history has proven this to be an unlikely “commitment.”
Solution: Read and talk about stages of change and consider where you are and what you need.
L You think that it’s unfair that other people can engage in your ineffective behavior, so you should be able to too: However, others may not engage in the behavior with the same frequency, intensity, or duration or suffer the same ill effects as you do.
Solution: Use Radical Acceptance to understand that life is sometimes unfair, and mindfully refocus on skills to Build Mastery or use Build Positive Experience without your ineffective behavior.
L You think your attempts to quit the ineffective behavior are a “lost cause,” or you even think of yourself as a lost cause: This thinking promotes ineffective behavior to “validate” your sense of being worthless.
Solution: Practice Nonjudgmental Stance, use interpersonal effectiveness to ask for support, or throw yourself into a distraction.
L Youbelieveyoudeserveacelebration:Youthinkyouhaveearnedyourineffectivebehavior through hard work.
Solution: You do deserve a celebration! Think of healthy and positive ways to recognize yourself and your accomplishment.
L You believe you deserve an escape because life has gotten hard:
Solution: You do deserve an escape! Look at your skills plan or brainstorm with others about healthy
pleasures and escapes.
L You think that you have to escape this emotion, urge, or situation because it seems unbearable: Solution: Practice acceptance, use distress tolerance skills, or reach out to others for validation and
problem-solving. Read this (or another) skills manual until the urge passes.
L Youmixupyourwantsandneeds:Wantingtoengageinanineffectivebehaviorisnotthesame as needing to.
Solution: Who “needs” ineffective behaviors other than those who are addicted to them? Get into mindful distractions, relaxation techniques, or other ways to have fun, and use Build Positive Experience.

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