Page 12 - Thrive Manual
P. 12
Sleep Hygiene
There are several elements to building a healthy sleep routine. The individual is encouraged to practice these elements for at least one month in a consistent manner.
5. 6.
7. If you
Go to bed when you are sleepy
Do not force your sleep. It may be helpful to set a consistent time to start your bedtime ritual that assists in preparing you for sleep.
If you do not fall asleep after 20 minutes, you need to get out of bed
Find a distraction that does not involve strenuous activity and is short in duration. When you become sleepy go back to bed. This may require a commitment to this process over and over until positive gains are achieved.
Get out of bed at the same time every morning
You really want to minimize exceptions to this concept. Consistency is a stepping stone to healthy habits. The more we make exceptions, the harder and longer we have to work.
Establish a bed-time ritual that helps you prepare for sleep
Engage in activities that calm the mind and body. Warm baths, scents, meditation, stretching, and reading are all effective examples. Notice that watching television is not on this list!
Keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark
This promotes the 3 C’s of sleep – cool, calm, and centered.
Keep to your schedule
Creating healthy habits takes time and consistency. Over time the individual will typically experience deeper, restorative sleep.
Avoid naps if at all possible
must nap keep it to 10-15 minutes in length.