Page 52 - Horizons Manual
P. 52

Improve the Moment
Improve the Moment is a skill that helps you in a crisis. When you use Improve the Moment, you focus on making things a little bit better right now. This can distract you from the crisis. It can give you something positive to focus on.
You can also use Improve the Moment when you are not in a crisis to help you focus on positive feelings.
Each letter in the word IMPROVE stands for a way to use the skill.
I = Imagery
You can use Imagery to imagine being somewhere relaxing and safe. You can also imagine yourself doing well in a hard situation or being confident and in control.
Here are some ways to use Imagery. Check the ones you can try. Write in your own.
□ Imagine being on a beach
□ Imagine walking in the forest
□ Imagine yourself in your favorite place
□ Imagine yourself reaching a goal □________________________________________________________ □________________________________________________________

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