Page 55 - Horizons Manual
P. 55

V = Vacation
Use Improve the Moment by taking a vacation. This does not mean packing your bags and traveling. This kind of vacation means taking a break from your problems. It can last a few minutes or more. When you are on vacation, you do fun and enjoyable things and take a break from stressful people, places or thoughts.
Here are some ways to use Vacation. Check the ones you can try. Write in your own.
□ Go to the park
□ Sit in a comfortable chair and eat your favorite candy
□ Turn off your phone for a day
□ Watch one episode of your favorite TV show
□ _____________________________________________________________ □ _____________________________________________________________
E = Encouragement
You can Improve the Moment by encouraging yourself. When you use encouragement you are a cheerleader for yourself. You tell yourself positive things and cheer yourself on!
Here are some ways to use Encouragement. Check the ones you can try. Write in your own.
□ Tell yourself, “I can do it!” or “I think I can!”
□ Remember a time you were successful
□ Remind yourself of your strengths □______________________________________________________________
Distress Tolerance

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