Page 6 - Horizons Manual
P. 6

 If you call a group member for skills suggestions, this is brought back to group.
 Do not call another group member if it has been 24 hours since you have acted on suicidal thoughts or self-injurious behaviors.
 Group members should know each other equally. Don’t share things you’re not willing to share in group.
 It is important to be aware of how the group will view your relationship. Ask yourself: Will others feel left out? Are you being open and honest about talking outside of group?
3. Confidentiality:
 Your group leader is a mandated reporter and is obligated to
notify the appropriate authorities if you are at risk of hurting
yourself or another person.
 If you are having suicidal thoughts or high stress, it is required
that you take time to get skills suggestions to cope with the
 It is expected that you keep what is said in group private from
other people.
1. No talking about others in group unless they are present. 2. Do not talk about other group members outside of group. 3. Group issues cannot be discussed outside of group or
during break.
4. Breaking confidentiality may be grounds for discharge.
4. Attendance:
 It is important for you to be here to reach your treatment goals.
It is expected that you attend programming 100% of all scheduled sessions. Please schedule other appointments around group.
 If you fall below 85% attendance, you will be put on an attendance contract. This means that you must attend 5 out of 6 of these sessions to go off the attendance contract. If you miss more than 1 time out of those 6 sessions, you will be put on a discharge contract.
 There are no “excused absences”. The attendance policy allows for absences due to illness, emergencies, and other reasons. All absences are considered before discharge due to attendance.

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