Page 8 - Horizons Manual
P. 8

Group Structure
Before group starts:
 Please turn off your cell phone or set it to silent
 Please be in group on time
 Make sure you have your diary card done
1st hour: Teaching
 The facilitator will teach on the skill of the day
 Participate by asking questions and giving examples
2nd hour: Diary Card
 Each person must present their diary card every day
 Diary cards need to be completed before group starts
 Participate by asking questions and offering support
3rd hour: Problem-solving Time
 Sign up for time at least once each week
 Ways to use time include:
o Askingforhelpsolvingaproblem
o Asking questions about a specific DBT skill
o Askingforsupportfromothergroupmembers
 Participate by asking questions and offering support to other people
 Socializations are scheduled times when the group practices skills
 Socialization replaces the teaching for that day.
 Your facilitator will let you know when there will be a socialization.

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