Page 64 - Horizons Manual
P. 64

There are many things that might be out of your control. When you try to change things you cannot control it makes your life harder. When you accept that you cannot control these things, you can focus your energy on the things you can control. This is practicing Radical Acceptance.
EXAMPLE: Jackson knows that his group home has a rule that he must be in bed by 10:00 pm. Jackson does not like this rule. He thinks that he should be able to decide on his own when to go to bed. He understands that staff won’t give in no matter how hard he fights. Instead of arguing against the rule, he starts to focus on what he can control. He knows that his favorite show is on at 8:30 pm. He decides to spend his time watching his show instead of arguing. He notices he feels more calm and rested the next day.
This time Jackson used Radical Acceptance to accept that the 10:00 pm bedtime would not change. He spent his time and energy focused on something he could control: watching his favorite TV show.
Was his time and energy spent well? _____________________
Did Jackson accept the rule or try to change it? _____________________ How do you think Jason felt when he used Radical Acceptance? _______________________________________________________

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