Page 66 - Horizons Manual
P. 66

Everyday Acceptance
Radical Acceptance is a skill to help you accept very difficult emotions and situations. Everyday Acceptance is a skill to help you accept less difficult situations.
You probably experience something every day that leads to you feeling frustrated, annoyed, anxious, stressed, or upset. Practicing Everyday Acceptance helps you deal with these situations more effectively.
Here are some examples of situations when you could practice Everyday Acceptance:
 You have to wait in a long line
 Your group home staff is in a crabby mood
 The delivery man is 30 minutes late
 You are stuck in traffic
 You have to go to an appointment
 Your friend cancels plans with you
 Your favorite sports team is losing
 The weather is not cooperating
 You need to do chores
 You step in gum
What are some frustrations you have dealt with today?
How could you use Everyday Acceptance with those frustrations?

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